Shopping Development, Noosaville

ACRES- Noosaville

Zero Davey Cafe, Hobart

Peregian Cafe
Renovation to existing premises and additional Outdoor Dining

Showroom & Health Centre in Noosaville.

Noosaville Offices
The client’s design brief was the creation of an eye-catching, modern building to accommodate their successful business enterprise. Also to be included was a mix of ground floor and first floor commercial / professional spaces for lease or sale, to offset the development costs.
Externally, the shallow hipped corrugated iron roof with wide overhangs references Noosaville shack of days gone by. A feature “blade” wall bisects the street elevation, slicing through the roof plane and accentuating the cantilevered and glazed intermediate stair landing. The roof projects over the ground floor entry terrace, supported by a slender double-height steel column.
Centre-glazed commercial shopfronts, with the strong horizontal banding of the aluminium transoms completes the front elevation and gives a crisp modern appearance. Elsewhere, the rendered and painted external blockwork gives way to profiled fibrecement weatherboards as a further nod to the traditional local shacks.